Friday, February 5, 2010

Out in the Open

As I mentioned a few days ago, I am working on a fundraiser at my son's preschool. It has been such an amazing experience! The children are really fun to photograph. Their natural curiosity provides so many opportunities for learning and growing which makes them perfect subjects!

I just made the images of the children available to the families in an online gallery. They can order prints to help support the school. This all sounds wonderful but I have been feeling a little vulnerable and it just occurred to me why. This is the first time that my work as a photographer has been on display for a large number of people to see. It makes me feel excited and nervous (you know that dream where you are standing on a stage in front of a crowd naked?) at the same time.

So far, the fundraiser is doing well. Parents are placing orders and I am getting some wonderful feedback. Fun stuff!

Here are some more images from the fundraiser...

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