Thursday, October 14, 2010

Russell Family :: Tilden Park

I met the Russells at Tilden Park, one of my favorite spots to do sessions. We actually met twice in one week because Mom thought ahead and realized that shooting the kids individually and together, shooting Mom and Dad, and shooting the whole family may be a bit much for the little ones to handle in one day.

The first session was dedicated to the kiddos. We found a little nook in the botanical garden and went to town. I typically don't play with new editing techniques with my clients' pictures but little Savannah inspired me. Something about the combination of her frilly pink tutu, her long blonde hair with a big white bow in it, and her spunky personality made for really, really cool pictures...kind of alice in wonderland-ish. So anyway, you can see what I mean in the first couple of shots below. Her little brother, Drake, is an absolute doll. He was so calm and patient and has those BIG know, the ones that will make the girls go crazy later on:-)

A few days later we met again and spent most of the time on family shots and then dedicated some time to getting pictures of just Mom and Dad. The whole family was wonderful to work with. They are so cool and easy-going and, clearly, they know how to have a good time. Enjoy!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Marrah and Victor :: Walnut Creek Wedding

I met Marrah at her hotel room where she was getting ready. She exuded happiness and was so at peace that I couldn't help but feel calm. Clearly, getting married to Victor was something she was confident about. Then, I got the exact same feeling from Victor. They had a really, really big wedding and yet, they didn't seem frazzled. I think that, more than any other bride and groom that I have worked with, they were beyond happy that the big day had finally arrived. Congratulations to the newlyweds!